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CDA is headed by the tram of Kenneth Cason and William Denny. They have always shared the passion and yearning to give new and talned artist an opportunity to be seen and heard. Collectively, they share career paths that boasts a number of first:Kason- with the first Atlanta-based urban television show that engaged young audiences like never before. Denny- who pioneered the "Denny Sound" that hit artists everywhere just had to have- when recording their songs. They have a track record for discovering unrecongnized them to combine the collective strengths of their companuies: CDA and HNL- to found the joint venture powerhouse Creative Dream Alliance LLC. Having gained award winning experience early in life. CDA's founders focus on telling the urdan story. They simply do movies and music to open possibilities of a better.... or share another point of view to enlighten and entertain. CDA promote films that tell our story... films that tell our stroy.
CDA's founding companies have been indenpendently owned and operated in Atlanta, GA since 2001. CDA exemplifies the 
phrase that "the sume of the parts are definitely greated than the individulal parts."
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